Missing teeth can hold you back in a number of ways. You may feel discomfort when you eat, causing you to avoid fresh, healthy food. Your speech may be affected, causing you to avoid expressing yourself. And your self-esteem may suffer, causing you to avoid social situations.
There’s no question that our society attaches a stigma to missing teeth. Other people may make snap judgments about you based on the condition of your smile. As unfair as these judgments may be, they are difficult to avoid.
Dental implants are an innovative procedure that replaces lost teeth with lookalikes that both feel and function like your own natural teeth. They’ll complete your smile, allow you to eat and speak with confidence, and protect the health of your other teeth by helping to preserve precious periodontal bone.
Are you a good candidate for dental implants? Central Park South dental implants dentist Dr. Anne Ferrara is ready to meet with you and determine the best approach to replacing your missing teeth and improving the way you look and feel.